Getting approval for a student credit card application online has never been easier. Credit cards for college students are unique financial instruments in that they are basically designed to give credit to people with no credit history or meaningful employment. It pretty much flies in the face of everything that the credit card companies stand for.
But for banks and credit card issuers like Chase Manhattan and Discover Card, the upside is enormous in relation to the risk they take. For every student that defaults on their credit card debt, the credit card companies know that there will be many times that amount that will become long term customers. And long term customers in the credit card industry translates into big bucks.

The college campuses that blanket the United States have indeed become fertile hunting grounds for the card issuers. And when you think about it, it isn’t at all hard to figure out why. Our colleges represent the best and brightest young minds amongst us. And those bright young minds are going to be gainfully employed, hopefully, in the very near future.
When seeking a student credit card application online make sure you know the terms and conditions set forth in the offer. That means doing your homework to make sure you don’t get caught with any nasty (read expensive) surprises. Because students typically don’t have a credit history, the credit card companies will often charge higher interest rates.
They do this in part to mitigate their risk, but they also do it because they can get away with it. They know full well that your choices are limited because of your current financial situation. In short, they got you by the short and curlies and if you let them, they will pull. So don’t let them. Your college student credit card should be a valued ally, not your nemesis.
Here’s how to make it work for you. Are you ready for it, this is real ground breaking stuff… do not charge more than you can afford to pay back and make sure you pay off your monthly bill in its entirety every month. Earth shattering, original advice isn’t it? Of course it isn’t, but if students would only follow these simple rules then paying high interest rates and accruing debt will not be an issue.
Not only that but you will also begin to establish that all important excellent credit rating, that by the time you graduate and apply for an auto loan and a mortgage, you will be oh so glad you have. Also, when you see on a student credit card application online that it has annual fees, look elsewhere at other offers. We don’t work for these credit cards, they work for us.